Community contributions
Pull requests are welcome. The primary source repository for this project is hosted on my GitLab CE Instance. It is preferred that if you wish to contribute, you submit there as this is where I have CI, SonarQube, etc set up.
GitLab CE officially provides OmniAuth (Gmail, Gitlab Central, Github, Bitbucket, or Twitter) integration to make this easy, or you can of course sign up manually as well. A link can be found in the upper-right hand corner of this page.
GitLab CE is open source software. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can read more about it here on their official web site.
If you are not comfortable with this, you may submit via the GitHub mirror, and I will merge it back manually.
Questions, Bugs, or Enhacement Requests
If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to open an issue in issue tracker on Gitlab.
If you believe you have found a bug in the project, please take a moment to search the existing issues before posting a new one. If there is no existing issue regarding the problem, please open a new issue that describes the problem in detail. If possible, please also include a unit test that reproduces the problem.
If you would like an enhancement to be made to the Swagger Confluence, pull requests are welcome. Before beginning work on an enhancement, you may want to search the existing issues and pull requests to see if a similar enhancement is already being worked on. You may also want to open a new issue to discuss the enhancement.