A command line runner is provided for using Swagger Confluence as a stand-alone utility. A executable fat jar is provided that includes all dependencies ready-to-go. You may download this from the top navigation.
Command Line Options
usage: swagger-confluence-cli
-a, --ancestor-id <arg>
ancestor id to use for the published api doc
-c, --authentication <arg>
base64 encoded user:pass pair for authentication
-g, --generate-numeric-prefixes <arg>
boolean flag to indicate whether to generate numeric prefixes for titles
-h, --help
Print help message with usage information
-i, --include-toc-on-single <arg>
Include table of contents on single page mode
-k, --space-key <arg>
Space Key to publish api doc to
-m, --pagination-mode <arg>
Pagination mode to use: [single, category, individual]
-p, --prefix <arg>
Prefix to use for article titles to ensure uniqueness
-s, --swagger-schema <arg>
Swagger Schema name. Absolute, relative, or classpath location
-t, --title <arg>
Base title to use for the root article of the API doc
-u, --confluence-rest-api-url <arg>
URL to the confluence REST API
Usage Example
java -jar swagger-confluence-cli-all-2.2-RELEASE.jar -u "https://localhost/confluence/rest/api/" -b "dGVzdDp0ZXN0==" -g "true" -p "[CLI]" -i "true" -k "TEST" -s "swagger-petstore-example.yaml" -t "Swagger Pet Store" -m "single"